Friday, April 8, 2011

Oh Oregon...

Oregon weather is ridiculous.  We like to joke that we only have two seasons over here: rain and construction.  It, quite literally, rains for about 8 months out of the year.  By April we HOPE to have more sunny days than wet ones, but this year is not cooperating.  Yesterday parts of the state had snow.  Yes, SNOW.  And I'm not talking only in the mountains!  Last weekend we had clouds, with peeks of sunshine, then rain, then sun, then hail, then a down pour, then sun, then more clouds and wind.  I think Oregon weather is somewhat bipolar... and it does not help with the moods or health of those of us who live here.  I don't know any stats, but I would be willing to bet that depression is probably more prominent in this state than some, due simply to the weather.  And I know that Oregonians suffer from a lack of vitamin D (via my doc) which can cause problems with the immune system and certain diseases such as breast cancer (this comes from my vitamin D supplements that I take every day!). 

After saying all this, I would like to note that days like today (sunny and beautiful) make me VERY happy, which leads to me feeling more productive in my day to day life (and, the fact that it's Friday just adds to the whole fantastic mix).  So far today I have been to work, gone shopping (got some awesome new clothes on clearance at Freddy's), done/finished 3 loads of laundry, baked cookies, and am now cooking dinner.  I am seeing tons of stuff that needs to be done/cleaned around the house, and it ISN'T making me want to crawl into a whole to avoid it... I think that's the best thing of all! =)

I'm just hoping the weather forecast for the next two days ends up being wrong (more rain... of course) as I have lots of great stuff planned with family and friends, not to mention softball practice (Jacob and I put a city league team together).  I am sooo ready for the summer!

My new shades! =)  Sun, stick around!  I'm ready!

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