Friday, November 4, 2011

Trick or Treat!

I'm a bad, bad blogger.  I have several posts that I've wanted/thought about writing and I've just been sitting on them waiting to have the motivation to do so.  Well, I'm going to try to knock one out right now... even if it is a week or two late. lol

First off, have to say that Halloween in our new neighborhood is AWESOME!  Last year Jacob and I bought a bunch of candy and were ready for all of the trick-or-treaters we were going to get living in such a huge apartment complex with so many kids.  Well, our doorbell rang ONCE all night long!  *sigh*  Brittney was not happy about all the leftover candy we "had" to eat over the following days/weeks.

This year I was hoping it would be better.  We live very near an elementary school.  Granted, I rarely see ANY kids outside in our neighborhood, but I still had hope.  I went to Costco and bought a bag of mixed chocolate mini-candy bars and crossed my fingers.  Well, guess what?  We ALMOST ran out of candy!!  I think we got about 50-75 trick or treaters on Monday night.  I was giddy with excitement at all of those cute little kids in adorable costumes. =)  That is, after the initial shock/confusion/horror over our first "trick-or-treater": a 40ish year old man with two pillow cases and no costume.  I played along (hoping he had some kind of development excuse), but it was definitely weird.

Jacob and I didn't dress up for Halloween this year, but we DID dress up with a couple of friends the weekend prior to do a Halloween themed scavenger hunt.

Depending on how long you've been reading this blog, you may remember last year when we participated in the same event (put together by PDX Hunt) and won the costume contest.  Well, this year we didn't put as much effort into our costume, but kicked our race into high gear.  And we got SOO close!  Of 300 teams that participated in the race, we finished in the top 10! (We were the "Bloody Suckin' Searchers" lol)  We're going to kick some serious pumpkin ass next year! =)

Below are a few photos of our adventures along the race.



Heather said...

Awesome costumes!

AmyJean {Relentless Bride®} said...

Love the costumes and that you guys got all dressed up! What a fun time you must have had! :)