Sunday, April 1, 2012


How many bottles should I have on hand?  My "plan" is to breastfeed for the first month, solely, and then switch between breast and bottle... but how many bottles should we have??


Lauren said...

I almost exclusively bottle fed and only had two bottles. Well, four because I had two tiny ones 4oz and then two big of the 12oz when the boys got bigger. I would only buy one to start with that has a nipple similar to your own. Same with binkies. That way if she doesn't like it, youre not out a bunch of money.

Lauren said...

And I love becoming a patent because all of a sudden talking about the shape of your nipples becomes common place. Nothing is left to modesty after childbirth. :)

Lauren said...

'parent'. Curse you, auto correct.

Shannon said...

I would start out with just a couple from different brands until you know what she likes. Fortunately my son has never been picky about bottles/nipples or going back and forth from nursing and bottle feeding. We use the Medela bottles since they correspond to my pump so I just pump right into those, put them in the fridge and give them to him later. I think we have about 10 now but that's b/c we send 3 to daycare each day. I use two during the day to pump with, we each have one in our diaper bags and then a couple spares.